Climate Change Progress Report

Every seedling counts.

Citrus trees in particular provide a lot of oxygen to our planet. They can capture up to 21.7 kg of CO₂per day, converting it to 6kg of oxygen. During COVID-19, carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions dropped by 2.4 billion metric tons (7%) from 2019 to 2020.

This is one of the biggest annual drops in CO₂ emissions ever recorded in modern times.

Air Purifiers can help too.

There are plenty of benefits to having an air purifier in your home, such as removing allergens, reducing asthma triggers in the air, reducing airborne diseases like COVID-19, and much more. There are also long term advantages:

Certain types of air filters can theoretically remove at least 99.97% of any airborne particles which can include dust, pollen, mold, and bacteria. In a typical home environment, an effective air purifier can start to reduce these pollutants within 1-2 hours.

Air purifier in the children's room with an allergy child and a dog

Where do you go from here?

Sustainability reports aren’t just about looking back, but also looking forward. There’s plenty you can do to help us help our world.

Now is the time to start addressing climate change. This is the only world we have, and we should treat it with care and respect.
